이동기 LEE Dongi
1995 M.F.A., Painting, Hongik University, Seoul, Korea
1990 B.F.A., Painting, Hongik University, Seoul, Korea
Solo Exhibitions
2013 Johyun Gallery. Busan, Korea
2012 Garden of Uncertainty
2011 Role Playing Game, Lotte Gallery, Korea
2010 Bittersweet, Gallery2, Korea
2009 Double Vision, Galerie Michael Suhultz Berlin, Germany
2008 Bubbles, Gallery 2, Seoul, Korea
Bubbles, Willem Kerseboom Gallery, Amsterdam, Netherlands
Double Vision, Gallery 2, Seoul, Korea
Lee Dongi Solo Exhibition, Keumsan Gallery Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan
2007 Atomausvs Panda Sonokong, Gallery Mook of Contemporary Art, Beijing, China
2006 Smoking, One and J Gallery, Seoul, Korea
2003 Crash, Ilmin Museum of Art, Seoul, Korea
2002 solo exhibition, Kobayashi Gallery, Tokyo, Japan
2001 The Adventures of Atomaus, Gallery Dong Dong, Seoul, Korea
1999 Money Honey, Seonam Art Center, Seoul/ Gallery Grimsi, Suwon/ Shinsegae Gallery, Incheon, Korea
1998 Underworld, Kaywon Gallery27, Uiwang, Korea
1995 Program, Hongik University Art Museum, Seoul, Korea
Man & Woman 1988-1995, Gallerie de Seoul, Seoul, Korea
1993 1st solo exhibition, Gallery On, Seoul, Korea
Group Exhibitions
2012 Future Pass, National Taiwan Museum of Art, Taichung
High Times, Hard Times, Interalia, Seoul, Korea
Love between Dog and Human, ArtsideGallery, Seoul, korea
Art in Schollbook, Seoul National University Museum of Art, Seoul
2011 Henkel Innoart Project, Alternative Space Loop, Seoul, Korea
Future Pass, Venice Biennale, Venice, Italia
2010 pop art, Organization of Gimhae Arts and Sports Center, Gimhae, Korea
Artists Production, SeMaNamSeoul Annex, Korea
Made in Popland, National Museum of Contemporary Art, Gwacheon, Korea
2009 MUSEUM2,Korea art gallery, Busan,Korea
ANIMAMIX Biennial, Today Art Museum, Beijing, China
Pieces of my Puzzle, Kunsthalle Rostock, Rostock, Germany
Logic of Sensibility, Interalia, Seoul, Korea
ANIMAMIX Biennial, Museum of Contemporary Art, Shanghai, China
2008 The World of Expression, Seoul Arts Center, Seoul, Korea
Art and capital, Alternative Space Loop, Seoul, Korea
Beyond Cartoon: Asian Contemporary Art Group Show, Beyond Art Space, Beijing, China
B Side, doART SEOUL, Seoul, Korea
2007 3L4D-3RD Life 4th Dimension, Metaphysical Art Gallery, Taipei, Taiwan
ANIMANGA, la Maison des Arts de Creteil, Paris, France
Contemporary Korean Art: Wonderland, National Art Museum of China, Beijing, China
2006 Fiction@Love, MoCA Shanghai, Shanghai, China
The Originals, Neo-Aesthetics of Animamix: 2nd Annual Chinese International Cartoonand Animation Festival, Hangzhou, China
The Power of Imagination, Korea University Art Museum, Seoul, Korea
2005 Encounters with Modernism, National Museum of Art Deoksugung, Seoul, Korea
Phacked/ Unpacked II: Alice in My Heart, Ssamzie Art Warehouse, Paju, Korea
Art from North and South Korea, Canvas International Art, Amsterdam, Netherlands
Animate, Sungkok Art Museum, Seoul, Korea/ Fukuoka Asian Art Museum, Fukuoka, Japan
The Adelaide Film Festival, Adelaide, Austrailia
2004 Beauty & the Beast, Marronnier Art Center, Seoul, Korea
Time Travel with Art Works, Leeum, Seoul, Korea
Fiction@Love: Ultra New Vision of Contemporary Art, MoCA Taipei, Taipei, Taiwan
New Collection, National Museum of Contemporary Art, Gwacheon, Korea
2003 Five, Artsonje Center, Seoul, Korea
Naming Card, Alternative Space Loop, Seoul, Korea
Taegukki, Kyungin Museum of Fine Art, Seoul, Korea
Comics in Art, Art in Comics, EwhaWomans University Art Museum, Seoul, Korea
2002 Coming to Our House, Darling Art Foundation, Seoul, Korea
East of Yellow Sea, DDM Warehouse, Shanghai, China
11 & 11 Contemporary Art in Korea and Japan 2002, Sungkok Art Museum, Seoul, Korea
2001 Representation of the Representation, Sungkok Art Museum, Seoul, Korea
Trace &Atomaus, Canvas International Art, Amsterdam, Netherlands
ArtSpectrum 2001, Ho-Am Art Gallery, Seoul, Korea
2000 T-Shirts, Artsonje Center, Seoul, Korea
Expression of the Time: Eyes and Hands, Seoul Art Center, Seoul, Korea
Con-Temporary, Big Sight, Tokyo, Japan
Media City Seoul 2000: Subway Project, Ulchiro-3ga Subway Station, Seoul, Korea
Enfant Terrible, Ssamzie Space, Seoul, Korea
1995 홍익대학교 대학원 서양화과 졸업
1990 홍익대학교 미술대학 서양화과 졸업
2013 조현화랑, 부산
2012 불확실성의 정원, 갤러리 2, 서울
2011 롤플레잉 게임, 롯데 갤러리, 서울
2010 달콤쌉싸름, 갤러리 2, 서울
2009 Double Vision, 마이클슐츠 갤러리, 베를린, 독일
2008 Lee Dongi Solo Exhibition, 동경금산갤러리, 동경, 일본
Double Vision, 갤러리 2, 서울
Bubbles, 갤러리 2, 서울
Bubbles, Willem Kerseboom 갤러리, 암스텔담, 네덜란드
2007 아토마우스 vs 판다손오공, 갤러리 묵 베이징, 베이징, 중국
2006 스모킹, 원앤제이 갤러리, 서울
2003 크래쉬, 일민미술관, 서울
2002 이동기 개인전, 고바야시 갤러리, 동경, 일본
2001 아토마우스의 모험, 갤러리 동동, 서울
1999 머니 허니, 서남미술전시관, 서울/ 그림시 갤러리, 수원/ 신세계 갤러리, 인천
1998 언더월드, 계원조형예술대학 전시실, 의왕
1995 프로그램, 홍익대학교 전시실, 서울
Man & Woman 1988-1995, 갤러리 드 서울, 서울
1993 1회 개인전, 갤러리 온, 서울
2012 객관화하기, 인터알리아 아트컴퍼니, 서울
Art in Schoolbook, 서울대미술관, 서울
견인지애, 아트사이드갤러리, 서울
Future Pass, 타이완미술관, 타이완
2011 헨켈 이노아트 프로젝트, 대안공간 루프, 서울
Future Pass, 베니스비엔날레, 베니스, 이탈리아
2010 예술가 프로덕션, 서울시립미술관 남서울분관, 서울
한중일 삼국의 팝아트, 국립현대미술관, 과천
한국현대미술의 흐름ⅢPOP ART, 김해문화의전당, 김해
2009 Pieces of my Puzzle, 로스톡미술관, 로스톡, 독일
감성론, 인터알리아 아트컴퍼니, 서울
Enliven-In Between Realities and Fiction-ANIMAMIX Biennial, 금일미술관, 북경, 중국
The world, a cartoon, 월렘 커스붐 갤러리, 암스텔담, 네델란드
Metaphors of Un/Real-ANIMAMIX Biennial, Museum of Contemporary Art, 상하이, 중국
MUSEUM2,Korea art gallery, 부산
2008 Beyond Cartoon: 아시아현대미술작가전, Beyond Art Space, 베이징, 중국
예술과 자본, 대안공간 루프, 서울
오늘의 한국미술: 미술의 표정, 예술의 전당, 서울
B Side, doART SEOUL, 서울
2007 3L4D-3RD Life 4th Dimension, Metaphysical Art Gallery, 타이페이, 대만
애니망가, 크레테이 예술회관, 파리, 프랑스
한국현대미술 중국전: 원더랜드, 중국미술관, 베이징, 중국
2006 Fiction@Love, 상하이 현대미술관, 상하이, 중국
상상력의 힘, 고려대학교 박물관, 서울
The Originals: Neo-Aesthetics of Animamix, 항저우, 중국
2005 The Adelaide Film Festival, 애들레이드, 호주
Animate, 후쿠오카 아시아미술관, 후쿠오카, 일본
Art from North and South Korea, 캔버스 인터내셔널 아트, 암스테르담, 네덜란드
20세기로의 여행: 피카소에서 백남준으로, 덕수궁 미술관, 서울
Packed/ Unpacked II: 내 마음 속의 앨리스, 쌈지미술창고, 파주
2004 신소장품전, 국립현대미술관, 과천